Voice Methods. Voice recognition software

Voice Methods. VoiceMethods LLC - about the company
Voice Methods Explained
Linguistic Databases
Text-To-Speech Technology
Voice Recognition Software - download free demo versions
On the Threshold of the Speech Recognition Technology Revolution

VoiceMethods Health Care Translator

VoiceMethods Health Care Translator

The application has a thoroughly contemporary interface
The application has a thoroughly contemporary interface

You may adjust the HCT for more efficiency - select the target language you need and the recognition parameters
You may adjust the HCT for more efficiency - select the target language you need and the recognition parameters

Say the phrase to be recognized in English or select the phrase to be translated from a list by using the Previous/Next buttons
Say the phrase to be recognized in English or select the phrase to be translated from a list by using the Previous/Next buttons

Say the phrase when the word Speak appears
Say the phrase when the word Speak appears

The phrase in the target language is not only pronounced, but appears onscreen with the source phrase recognition result
The phrase in the target language is not only pronounced, but appears onscreen with the source phrase recognition result.

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VoiceMethods, LLC


31-21 31 Street,
Long Island City, NY, 11106
Toll Free (US only): +1-800-710-7920
Phone: +1-718-728-6110
Fax: +1-718-728-4023

E-mail: info@voicemethods.com
Internet: www.voicemethods.com


ECTACO Translation Software

Language Translation Software
Pocket PC translation software
Palm OS translation software
Windows translation software
Mobile Phones translation software

